How Much ProteinTo Eat
Patients on low carbohydrate diets are also encouraged to eat more protein. Many ask how much protein they should eat.
Now I could give you a formulaic answer by stating you need so many grams per protein per day (click here if you want to read a technical review) but formulas are of little practical use to the average person because the vast majority of us are not going to weight our protein before each meal.
A simple rule of thumb is to make protein the centerpiece of your meal. Always include a good portion of meat (any kind) with your meals. Relegate your carbohydrates a small side dish.
Hunger Suppression
Protein is important because it is one of the strongest suppressors of hunger. Almost everyone will tell you that their hunger through the day is greatly reduced if they have a sizable amount of protein for breakfast (2-3 eggs and several strips of bacon).
Not only will you eat snack less because your hunger is suppressed but your hunger will drop even further because you aren’t eating the carbohydrates as snacks. Remember most carbohydrates (especially snack foods) significantly increases your hunger levels.
Eating protein decreases your hunger and avoids the increase in hunger from the carbs you don’t snack on. The end result, you’ll experience a drop in your calories as well as your weight.
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