
Protein is the building block of muscles, skin, blood, cartilage and bones that along with carbohydrates, fat is a “macronutrient” which means that the body needs a large amount to sustain itself.


There is No Single Best Diet for Everyone

It is generally accepted science that over the last several thousand years, humans thrived equally well on diets ranging from pure vegetarian (people with origins in Asia or Far East cultures) to essentially meat-only diets (people with origins in northern cold climates such as the Inuit) with most ancient cultures subsisting on a mixed vegetarian-carnivore […]

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Bad Reporting, Mediocre Science and the Dangers of Foods

A recent study is being loudly quoted in the press with headlines such as “Processed Red Meat Intake Linked to Type 2 Diabetes Risk”.   Most non-scientists will read the headline and come away with the impression that red meat is somehow bad for them. If people read the true title of the article, “Red meat consumption and

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The Forgotten Protein: Plant Protein

The first word that comes to mind when the word protein is mentioned is ‘meat’.  Meat can include beef, pork, fish, poultry, and eggs.  All animal meats are excellent sources of protein, some even have other sources of added nutrients such as iron.  However, a commonly forgotten protein source is plant protein.  Plants can also

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Decreased Weight = Decreased Insurance Costs

Weight loss can significantly decrease your chances of developing diabetes, and also significantly decrease your health insurance premiums. One of the largest health insurers in the nation, UnitedHealth Group, has developed an approach to reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes and to increase the health of the American public. This program is predicted to

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A No-Cook Type of Protein? Cottage Cheese

Dairy is commonly forgotten for its protein content.  All dairy has some form of protein, and some are higher than others.  Cottage cheese is the dairy option with the highest amount of protein. A half cup serving contains between 100-120 calories, between 10-15 g of protein and a low amount of carbohydrates (3-6 grams). The

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How to Start Your Low Carb Diet

The approach taken on this blog is not the Adkin’s diet.  Completely eliminating carbohydrates is not the intention, but more a reduction.  Reducing the amount of carbohydrates eaten in a day and increasing protein in the diet is one of the best steps toward weight loss. Besides the benefits of weight reduction, reducing carbohydrates in

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When Deciding What to Eat, Be Sure To Make It ‘Carb Worthy’

I recently had the pleasure to travel to the beautiful city of Chicago to visit friends, dine at a few nice restaurants and escape the generally maddening pace of running my medical practice. During our visit we decided to go to Gino’s East to enjoy some of their famous deep dish pizza.  Now, many of

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Do You Have Autonomic Dysfunction?