Medical Disclaimer: The information presented on this website is provided as an information resource only, and is not to be used or relied on for any diagnostic or treatment purposes. This information is not intended to be patient education, and does not create any patient-physician relationship.
Dr. Patrick Nemechek, D.O.
4252 N. Verrado Way, Suite 103
Buckeye, AZ 85396

May 2010 – Present
Medical Director
Nemechek Autonomic Medicine
Buckeye, Arizona
Oct 2015 – Present
Chief Medical Officer
Autonomic Recovery, LLC
Buckeye, Arizona
March 2016
Lifetime Achievement Award in Health and Science from the Glendale Educational Foundation, Glendale California.
August 2009
Certificate of Achievement – 2009. Rated highest among physicians by patients on a nationally endorsed survey on patient experience of care. Sponsored by Kansas City Quality Improvement Consortium, United Healthcare, Aetna, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Kansas City.
November 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009
Directed Nemechek Health Renewal to achieve the United Healthcare Premium Quality and Efficiency Designation, United Healthcare.
January 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009
Nominated for the Greater Kansas City Chamber of Commerce Small Business of the Year Award, Kansas City, Missouri.
June 1999
Selected as one of 18 clinical sites to participate in the HIV Research Network, Managed by the Center for HIV Quality Care of Johns Hopkins Medical Center, and funded by AHRQ.
November 1997
Nominated as one of the top AIDS treating physicians in the United States by POZ Magazine.
April 1996
Choose as Site of Clinical Excellence and Case Study for “INTEGRATED PATIENT CARE: Managing Health Care Costs, Maximizing Health Care Value and Quality”. A Study sponsored by Bristol-Myers Squibb Company & KPMG Peat Marwick LLP.
June 1989 – June 1990
Chief Resident, Internal Medicine, U.C.L.A. School of Medicine
May 1990
Robert S. Mosser Award for Excellence in Internal Medicine, U.C.L.A. School of Medicine
Granted patent protection for The Nemechek Protocol for Autonomic Recovery (“Methods of Reversing Autonomic Nervous System Damage; Patent No. 10,335,396).
Granted trademark protection for “Autonomic Advantage”. Autonomic Advantage is the name of the sports-oriented concussion recovery program started by Dr. Nemechek and Jean Nemechek
Granted trademark protection for “The Nemechek Protocol”. The NEmechek Protocol is the name of the a anti-inflammatory regimen that allows the brain to recover in a wide variety of neurological conditions including chronic autonomic dysfunction, ADD/ADHD, chronic depression, PTSD, chronic migraines, chronic fatigue, multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer’s dementia, developmental disorders and autism.
Granted full copyright protection for The Nemechek Protocol for Autism and Developmental Disorders.
June 2010 – December 2015
Alliance Urgent Care
Buckeye, Arizona
February 2009 – Sept 2014
Medical Director
Weight Loss Surgical Center
Overland Park, Kansas
April 1994 – May 2010
Medical Director, Owner
Nemechek Health Renewal
Kansas City, Missouri
December 2008 – May 2010
Medical Director, Owner
Center for Medical Weight Loss of Kansas City
Kansas City, Missouri
June 1999 – May 2010
HIV Research Network
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
January 2000 – December 2000
Chairman, Department of Medicine
Overland Park Regional Medical Center
Overland Park, Kansas
June 1994 – May 1999
Editorial Advisory Board
“Prescriber’s Letter”
Stockton, California
June 1997 – December 1998
Medical Review Board
Serostim Continuation Treatment Program
National Organization for Rare Disorders
Washington, D.C.
February 1995 – February 1997
Medical Director
HIV Inpatient Unit
Medicalodge East of Kansas City
Kansas City, Kansas
July 1992 – November 1993
Assistant Medical Director,
Center for Special Immunology,
Irvine, California
May 1991 – June 1992
Founding Medical Director
Bakersfield AIDS Foundation
Bakersfield, California
June 1990 – July 1992
Clinical Faculty,
UCLA, School of Medicine
Kern Medical Center
Bakersfield, California
Board Certified:
Internal Medicine, A.B.I.M
September 1992 -2012
Specialty Certification:
HIV Medicine, AAHIVM
February 2002
Human Participants Protection
Education for Research Teams
Online Course, NIH
March 2006
Human Subject Assurance Training
Online Course, NIH
March 2006
August 1983 – June 1987
Doctor of Osteopathy
Kansas City University of Medicine and Biosciences (formerly known as University of Health Sciences)
Kansas City, Missouri
June 23, 1987 – June 22, 1988
Internship in Internal Medicine
Kern Medical Center
Bakersfield, California
June 23, 1988 – June 24, 1990
Residency in Internal Medicine
Kern Medical Center
Bakersfield, California
Arizona Physician License
Federal DEA License
- “Risk of Coccidioidomycosis Meningitis Associated with Pregnancy”, Nemechek P, Johnson R. abstract, Proceedings of the 32nd Annual Coccidioidomycosis Study Group Meeting, April 1989.
- “Coccidioidomycosis Meningitis and Pregnancy: Presentation of Five Cases and a Review of the Literature.” Nemechek P, Accepted for presentation at the ACP Annual Associates Scientific Competition; Newport Beach, California, 1990.
- “Are Parental Anabolic Steroid Users the Next Potential Risk Group for Infection with the Human Immunodeficiency Virus?” Nemechek P., NEJM, 1991; 325: pg. 357.
- ”Radiation Recall Associated with Vinblastine in a Patient Treated for AIDS-Associated Kaposi Sarcoma”, Nemechek P, Corder M, Cancer 1992, Sept (70); 6:1605-6.
- “Psychoneuroimmunology: A relationship between stress and disease.” Nemechek P, Shanti Newsletter; December 1993.
- “Conversion of Patients with Chronic Meningitis Due to Coccidioides immitis from Intrathecal Amphotericin B to Fluconazole”. Nemechek P, Accepted for abstract & presentation at the Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapeutics; Anaheim, California, October 1992.
- “A Rare Cause of Visual Loss in AIDS Patients: Central Retinal Vein Occlusion”. Nemechek P, Ismail Y, Arsura E. Br J Ophthalmol 1993 Sept;77(9):600-1.
- “Prevalence of Nutritional Deficiencies in Patients with HIV-1 Infection.” Nemechek P, Tomaka F, Cimoch P Reiter W, et al. Abstract; Tenth International Conference on AIDS, August 1994.
- “Antibody Response to Pneumoccocal Vaccination in HIV-1 Infected Patients”. Nemechek P, Cimoch P, Loss S, et al. Abstract; Tenth International Conference on AIDS, August 1994.
- “Symptomatic Mycobacterium avium Complex (MAC) Sinusitis in Patients with AIDS”. Nemechek P, Cimoch P, Reisman B. Abstract; 34th Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapeutics; October 1994.
- “Fluconazole Therapy in Coccidioidal Meningitis Maintained with Intrathecal Amphotericin B”. Perez JA, Nemechek PM et al. Arch Int Med 1995 Aug; 7(21): 1665-1668.
- “A Comparison of Relative Total versus Free Serum Testosterone Levels for the Diagnosis of Hypogonadism in Patients with HIV or AIDS.” Nemechek P, Severson K. Abstract, Eleventh International Conference on AIDS, July 1996.
- “A Correlation Between Classical Interpretation of ACTH-Stimulation Adrenal Stimulation Results and the Clinical Response to Corticosteroids in Patients with CDC Class III AIDS Diagnosis.” Nemechek P, Wahl D, Sakuvich L. Abstract, Eleventh International Conference on AIDS, July 1996.
- “Reduction in Hospital Length of Stay and Associated Costs through the Utilization of a Comprehensive HIV Outpatient Program.” Nemechek P, Sackuvich L. Abstract, Ninth National AIDS Update Conference, March 1997.
- “Maintenance of Body Cell Mass (BCM) and Phase Angle (PA) After Discontinuation of Recombinant Human Growth Hormone (r-hGH; Serostim).” Nemechek P, Sackuvich L, Zachovich P, Stolifer J. Abstract, Second International Conference on AIDS Wasting and Nutrition, April 1997.
- “Measurement of Body Weight and Body Cell Mass in Patients Receiving Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy.” Berger, Nemechek et al. Abstract, 37th Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, September 1997.
- “Factors Related to Adherence (ADH) with Protease Inhibitors.” Nemechek P, Conry M, Westerfelt A, Eicher B, Wine Chase G. Abstract, Twelfth International Conference on AIDS, July 1998.
- “Increased Urinary Frequency (UF) Secondary to Urinary Retention (UR) in HIV+ males and Treatment with Doxazosin.” Nemechek P. Abstract, Twelfth International Conference on AIDS, July 1998.
- “A Retrospective Study on the Effect of Smoking on Total Body Weight (TBW) and Body Cell Mass (BCM).” Nemechek P, Stolifer J. Abstract, Twelfth International Conference on AIDS, July 1998.
- “Preservation of Restored Body Cell Mass (BCM) and Phase Angle after Discontinuation of Human Growth Hormone (r-hGH; Serostim).” Nemechek P, Stolifer J, Sackuvich L. Abstract, Twelfth International Conference on AIDS, July 1998.
- “A Survey Evaluating Pharmacy-related Resources and their Relation to Drug Adherence.” Nemechek P, Tritle D. Abstract, Twelfth International Conference on AIDS, July 1998.
- “Short Term Human Growth Hormone Therapy for HIV-Associated Wasting.” Nemechek P. AIDS Patient Care and STDs, 13:7, 1999.
- “Treatment Guidelines for HIV-Associated Wasting”. Nemechek P, Gottlieb M, Polsky B. Mayo Clin Proc (United States), Apr 2000, 75(4) p386-94.
- “Mammalian Cell-Derived Recombinant Human Growth Hormone (r-hGH[m]) Imparts A Durable and Reproducible Effect on Body Weight in Patients with AIDS Wasting.” PM Nemechek, H Landy, P Gaccione. Abstract, Fifth International Congress on Drug Therapy in HIV Infection, Glasgow, UK/ October 22-26, 2000.
- “Hospital and Outpatient Health Services Utilization Among HIV-Infected Patients in Care in 1999.” The HIV Research Network (including PM Nemechek). JAIDS, 30:21-26, 2002.
- “bDNA HIV-RNA Testing Within The Private Practice Setting Can Improve Access to Specialized Healthcare.” PM Nemechek. Abstract, Immunodiagnostic and Immunomonitoring: From Research to Clinic, San Diego, California. November 5-7, 2006.
- “Improved ‘Time To Results’ With The Incorporation of HIV Genotypic Resistance Testing Into A Physician Office Laboratory”. PM Nemechek. Abstract, Immunodiagnostic and Immunomonitoring: From Research to Clinic, San Diego, California. November 5-7, 2006.
- “Feasibility Study of In-Office HIV RNA Analysis and HIV Genotyping of Cerebral Spinal Fluid in the Evaluation of Impaired Cognition in Patients with HIV Disease”. PM Nemechek. Abstract, Clinical Virology Symposium, Clearwater, Florida. April, 2007.
- “Incidence of Transient Detectable HIV-1 Viremia (“Blips”) When Measured by bDNA Methodology (Versant, 3.0, Siemens) is Lower than Historical Incidence Rates Measured by PCR (Amplicor 1.5, Roche Diagnostics).” PM Nemechek. Abstract, Clinical Virology Symposium, Daytona, Florida. April, 2008.
- Genotypic Analysis Results of Newly Positive, Low-Level Viral Load (HIV RNA <250 copies/ml) Performed by bDNA (VERSANT, 3.0, Siemens) Have a Similar Clinical Impact on Antiretroviral Therapy decisions as Do Higher Level Newly Positive Viral Loads (HIV RNA >250 copies/ml).” Nemechek PM. Abstract, Clinical Virology Symposium, Daytona, Florida. April, 2008.
- HIV/AIDS Leads to Early Cardiovascular Autonomic Neuropathy. Patrick Nemechek, DO; Sam Gosh Dastidar, PhD; Joe Colombo, PhD. Abstract #749. American Autonomic Society Abstract St. Thomas, Virgin Islands 31 Oct – 3 Nov, 2009.
- Early Autonomic Dysfunction Is Associated With Secondary Hypertension in HIV/AIDS Patients. Patrick Nemechek, DO; Sam Gosh Dastidar, PhD; Joe Colombo, PhD. Abstract #749. American Autonomic Society Abstract St. Thomas, Virgin Islands 31 Oct – 3 Nov, 2009.
- Nemechek, Patrick. “Vagus Nerve Stimulation is an Ideal Therapeutic Candidate for COVID-19 Infection”. Journal of Emerging Diseases and Virology. In press. June 2020.
- Nemechek, Patrick. “Transcutaneous Auricular Vagus Nerve Stimulation Holds Potential to Suppress COVID-19 Cytokine Storm”. In Press. Integrative Clinical Medicine, June 2020.
- Nemechek, Patrick. “Autism spectrum disorder symptoms improve with combination therapy directed at improving gut microbiota and reducing inflammation.” Applied Psychiatry, Volume 1(1): July 3, 2020. Published online.
- Nemechek Patrick. “Pulse rate variability as a biomarker of COVID-19 infection, hospital risk stratification, and post hospitalization recovery.” Immunology and Infections, Volume 1(1): July 29, 2020. Published online.
- Associations between Outpatient and Inpatient Service Use among Persons with HIV Infection: A Positive or Negative Relationship? In Press at Health Services Research
- Utilization of Inpatient Medical Hospital Services among HIV-Infected Patients with Co-Occurring Serious Mental Illness and Injection Drug Use in 2001. In Press at General Hospital Psychiatry
- The Impact of Illicit Drug Use and Substance Abuse Treatment on Adherence to Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy (HAART). In Press at AIDS Care
- Immunologic Function and Virologic Suppression Among Children With Perinatally Acquired HIV-Infection on HAART. Medical Care 2005; 43(9):15-22.
- High Rates of Primary Mycobacterium Avium Complex and Pneumocystis Jiroveci Prophylaxis in the United States. Medical Care 2005; 43(9):23-30.
- Hospital and Outpatient Health Services Utilization Among HIV-Infected Children in Care 2000-2001. Medical Care 2005; 43(9):31-39.
- Hospital and Outpatient Health Services Utilization Among HIV-Infected Adults Patients in Care 2000-2002. Medical Care 2005; 43(9):40-52.
- Lifetime Cost of Current HIV Care in the United States. Medical Care 2006; 44:990-997.
- Use of complementary and alternative medicines among a multistate, multisite cohort of people living with HIV/AIDS. HIV Medicine 2007; 8:300-305.
- Racial and Gender Disparities in Receipt of Highly Active Anti-Retroviral Therapy Persist in a Multistate Sample of HIV Patients in 2001. JAIDS 2005; 38(1):96-103.
- Patterns of Diagnoses in Hospital Admissions in a Multi-State Cohort of HIV+ Adults in 2001 Medical Care 2005; 43(9):3-14.
- Hospital and Outpatient Health Services Utilization Among HIV-Infected Patients in Care in 1999. JAIDS 2002; 30(1):21-26.
- Community-acquired Pneumonia in a Multicenter Cohort of HIV-infected Children in the HAART and Pneumococcal Vaccine Eras. Pediatric Academic Societies Annual Meeting, Toronto, Canada, May. 5-8, 2007.
- The Impact of Patient Race on Patient-Centered Care in a Multi-Center Cohort of HIV-Infected Patients. The SGIM 30th Annual Meeting, Toronto, ON, Canada, April 25-28, 2007.
- Disparities in Survival Attributable to Suboptimal HIV Care in the US: Influence of Gender and Race/Ethnicity. 14th Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunisitc Infections (CROI), Los Angeles, CA, Feb. 25-28, 2007.
- Incidence of and Risk Factors for Bacteremia in a Multisite Cohort of HIV-Infected Patients in the HAART Era. 14th Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunisitc Infections (CROI), Los Angeles, CA, Feb. 25-28, 2007.
- Quality of Patient-Provider Communication Associated with Adherence in a Multi-Center Cohort of HIV-Infected Patients. The SGIM 30th Annual Meeting, Toronto, ON, Canada, April 25-28, 2007.
- Rural versus Urban HIV-Infected Patients: The Role of Patient Provider Discussions. 14th Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections (CROI), Los Angeles, CA, Feb. 25-28, 2007.
- Predicted Effect of TMC114/r on Costs of Care in Two US Cohorts of HIV-Infected Patients Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy (ICAAC), San Francisco, CA, Sept. 27-30, 2006.
- Substance Abuse Treatment in a Multi-center Cohort of HIV_Infected Patients: The Role of Patient-Provider Discussions. The SGIM 30th Annual Meeting, Toronto, ON, Canada, April 25-28, 2007.
- Contemporary Costs of HIV Health Care in the HAART Era 13th Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections (CROI), Denver, CO, Feb. 5-9, 2006.
- HIV Patients Have High Rates of Emergency Department Utilization in a Multisite, Multistate HIV Cohort. 13th Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections (CROI), Denver, CO, Feb. 5-9, 2006.
- Illicit Drug Use and Pain among HIV-Infected Patients. The SGIM 30th Annual Meeting, Toronto, ON, Canada, April 25-28, 2007.
- The Lifetime Cost of HIV care in the United States in the Current Treatment Era.The Third IAS Conference on HIV Pathogenesis and Treatment, Rio de Janiero, Brazil, July 24-27, 2005.
- Use of Complementary and Alternative Therapies: Results From a Multisite, Multistate Survey Academy Healths Annual Research Meeting, Boston, MA, June 26-28, 2005.
- Alcohol Consumption and Hazardous Drinking is Common among HIV Patients: Results from a Multisite, Multistate Survey. 28th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Research Society on Alcoholism, Santa Barbara, CA, June 25-29, 2005.
- Impact of Mental Health/Substance Abuse Diagnosis on Virologic Suppression in 2001. 28th Annual Meeting of the Society of General Internal Medicine (SGIM), New Orleans, LA, May 11-14, 2005.
- Hospital Service Utilization Among HIV-Infected Patients with Co-Occurring Mental Illness and Injection Drug Use Receiving Outpatient HIV Care. 12th Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunisitc Infections (CROI), Boston, MA, Feb. 22-25, 2005.
- Factors Associated with Use of HAART in Patients with AIDS in the Multisite HIV Research Network. 28th Annual Meeting of the Society of General Internal Medicine (SGIM), New Orleans, LA, May 11-14, 2005.
- Health-Related Quality of Life and Case Management in a Cohort of Patients with HIV: Results from the HIV Research Network Study. Robert Wood Johnson Clinical Scholars Meeting, Tuscon, AZ, Nov. 10-13, 2004.
- Ancillary HIV Services: How Do Access Disparities Compare with those for Clinical Care, Including High Active Antiretroviral Therapy (HAART) and Does Ancillary Service Use Mitigate Clinical Disparities American Public Health Association (APHA). 132nd Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, Nov.6-10, 2004.
- Patterns of Diagnoses in Hospital Admissions in a Multi-State Cohort of HIV+ Adults in 2001. 42nd Annual Meeting of the Infectious Disease Society of America (IDSA), Boston, MA, Sept. 30 – Oct. 3, 2004.
- Disparities in Virologic Suppression among Patients with HIV Infection. Academy Health 2004 Annual Research Meeting, San Diego, CA, Jun. 6-8, 2004.
- Low Level of Virologic Suppression in a Multi-State Sample of HIV-Infected Children. Pediatric Academic Societies and ESPR Annual Meetings, San Francisco, CA, May 1-4, 2004.
- Demographic, Clinical, and Resource Utilization Characteristics of HIV Infected Children. Pediatric Academic Societies and ESPR Annual Meetings, San Francisco, CA, May 1-4, 2004.
- The HIV Research Network: Variations in Quality of Care. 20th International Conference of the International Society for Quality in Health Care, Dallas, TX, Nov. 2-5, 2003.
- Hospitalizations for Diabetic, Cardiovascular, and Cerebrovascular Events in a Multistate Sample of HIV Patients. 41st Annual Meeting of the Infectious Diseases Society of America (IDSA), San Diego, CA, Oct. 9-12, 2003.
- Antiretroviral Therapy (ART) Utilization and Opportunistic Illness (OI) Prophylaxis Rates in a Multisite Sample of HIV Patients. American Public Health Association (APHA) 131st Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, Nov. 15-19, 2003.
- Healthcare Utilization and Costs in a Multi-State HIV Cohort. Academy Healths 5th International Conference on Scientific Basis of Health Services Research, Washington, DC, Sept. 20-23, 2003.
- Antiretroviral Use is Associated with Healthcare Utilization in a Multistate Sample of HIV Patients. 19th International Conference on Pharmacoepidemiology, Philadelphia, PA, Aug. 21-24, 2003.
- Mental Health and Special Education Issues in a Cohort of HIV-Infected Children: Results from a Multisite Multistate Survey of Caregivers. 14th Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunisitc Infections (CROI), Los Angeles, CA, Feb. 25-28, 2007.
- Nemechek, Patrick and Nemechek, Jean. “Case Study: Reversal of Alzheimer’s Dementia with Transcutaneous Vagus Nerve Stimulation (tVNS) in Combination with an Anti-Neuroinflammatory Regimen”. International Neuromodulation Society’s 13th World Congress, May 2017. Abstract ID: 2718955
- Nemechek, Patrick and Nemechek, Jean. “Reversal of PTSD with Transcutaneous Vagus Nerve Stimulation (tVNS) in Combination with an Anti-Neuroinflammatory Regimen”. International Neuromodulation Society’s 13th World Congress. May 2017. Abstract ID: 2719545
- Nemechek, Patrick and Nemechek, Jean. “Reversal of Chronic Autonomic Dysfunction with Transcutaneous Vagus Nerve Stimulation (tVNS) as Part of a Multi-Faceted Anti-inflammatory Regimen”. International Neuromodulation Society’s 13th World Congress. May 2017. Abstract ID: 2719556
- Principle Investigator: Oral Fluconazole vs. Intrathecal Amphotericin B in the Treatment of Chronic Coccidioidal Meningitis. Pfizer, June 1990.
- Principle Investigator: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Comparative Study of Dideoxycytidine (ddC) versus Zidovudine (ZDV) in Patients with AIDS or Advanced ARC; Hoffman-La Roche Corporation, Protocol N3300, July, 1989.
- Principle Investigator: Treatment IND Protocol for the Use of Videx (ddI) in Patients with AIDS or ARC; Bristol Meyers Corporation, Protocols 454-999-001 and 454-999-002, October, 1989.
- Principle Investigator: Dideoxycytidine (Ro 24-2027), An Open-Lable, Multicenter Study to Evaluate the Safety and Tolerability of Dideoxycytidine (ddC) in Patients with AIDS or Advanced ARC who previously Demonstrated Intolerance to Zidovudine (ZDV) in Protocol N3300 or N3492; Hoffman-La Roche Corporation, Protocol N 3526, September, 1990.
- Co-Investigator: An Open-Label Trial to Evaluate the Safety and Efficacy of Clarithromycin in the Treatment of Disseminated Mycobacterium avium Complex (MAC) Infection in AIDS Patients; Abbott Lab., Protocol M91-577 and Protocol M91–577A, Aug 1991.
- Co-Investigator: Treatment IND and Open-Label Protocol for 566C80 Therapy of Pneumocystis carnii Pneumonia. Burroughs Welcome Company, November, 1991.
- Co-Investigator: A Six Month Study of Intensive Nutritional Supplementation in HIV-Infected Individuals with Early Signs of Malnutrition and Wasting; McGaw Incorporated, Protocol 89105, November, 1992.
- Co-Investigator: A Phase II Multicenter Study of the Safety and Efficacy of MNrgp/HIV-1 Vaccine Compared with Placebo in HIV-1 Seropositive Subjects with CD4 Cell Counts Greater than 600 Cells/cu mm. Genetech Incorporated, Study VC346g, January, 1993.
- Co-Investigator: A Three-Arm Comparative Trial for the Treatment of MAC Bacteremia in AIDS: A Clarithromycin/Ethambutol Regimen Containing Rifabutin (900 mg) or Rifabutin (600 mg) or Placebo. Adria Laboratories, Study No. 087250-006, April, 1993.
- Co-Investigator: Study of the Activity of THF-2 on HIV Load in HIV Positive Individuals with CD4+ Cell Counts in the Range of 200-500/uL. Adria Laboratories, Protocol 112010-999, June, 1993.
- Co-Investigator: A Randomized Comparative Study of Delavirdine (U-90152S) in Combination with Didanosine (ddI) versus ddI Alone in HIV-1 Infected Individuals with a CD4 Count of Less Than 300/cu mm. The Upjohn Company, Protocol M/3331/0017, September, 1993.
- Co-Investigator: A Pilot Study of the Efficacy of 5 to 10 Million Units Daily of Interferon Alfa-2b, Recombinant (Intron A) in the Treatment of Chronic Hepatitis C in Patients Co-Infected and Concurrently Being Treated for HIV-1 Infection. Roerig Pharmaceuticals, August, 1993.
- Co-Investigator: A Pilot Study of the Safety and Efficacy of the Concurrent Administration of Interferon Alfa-2b, Recombinant (Intron A) and Stavudine 92’3’-didehydro-3’-deoxythymidine; d4T). Roerig Pharmaceuticals, November, 1993.
- Co-Investigator: A Pilot Study of the Frequency of Intravenous Thrombosis Formation Associated with the use of Central Venous Catheters in Patients Infected with HIV-1. Center for Special Immunology, February, 1994.
- Co-Investigator: An Evaluation of the Use of Duragesic In AIDS Patients Who Have Chronic Pain. Janssen Pharm., December, 1993.
- Co-Investigator: Oral/Intravenous Azithromycin Treatment of Cryptosporidiosis in Patients Whose Disease has Not Been Controlled by Conventional Therapy; Pfizer, Inc., Protocol 066-167S, September, 1992.
- Co-Investigator: A Multicenter Study of Oral Versus Intravenous Hydration in AIDS Patients with CMV Retinitis Treated with Foscavir; Astra Pharmaceuticals, Protocol 93FOS31, January 1994.
- Principle Investigator: 3TC Open Label Program for Patients Intolerant or Failing Standard Antiretroviral Therapies; Glaxo, Protocol NUCA3304
- Principle Investigator: An Open-Label, Multicenter Study to Provide Expanded Access and Obtain Additional Safety Data for Serostim (mammalian cell-derived recombinant human growth hormone, r-hGH[m]) in the Treatment of Adults with Advanced AIDS Wasting; Serono Laboratories, Treatment IND, March 1995.
- Principle Investigator: A Multiclinic, Double-Blind, Randomized, Eighteen-Month Study of HIV-1 Seropositive Patients to Compare the Efficacy and Safety of MK-639, 800 mg q8h, and Zidovudine, 200 mg q8h, Administered Concomitantly to MK-639 Alone and Zidovudine Alone; Merck Research Laboratories, Protocol 003, February 1995.
- Principle Investigator: An Open-Label Safety Study of Oral Ganciclovir Maintenance Treatment of CMV Retinitis in Persons with Limited Venous Access; Syntex, Inc., Protocol GANS2224, January, 1995.
- Principle Investigator: An Open-Label Study of the Safety of Oral Ganciclovir for Prevention of CMV Disease in People Infected with Human Immunodeficiency Virus; Syntex, Inc., Protocol GANS2648, January, 1995.
- Co-Investigator: An Evaluation of the Use of Duragesic (fentanyl patches) in AIDS Patients with Chronic Pain; Janssen Pharmaceuticals, January 1994.
- Principle Investigator: Interferon Alfa-2b (Intron A) for the Treatment of Chronic Hepatitis C Infection in Patients Co-Infected with HIV; Schering Laboratories.
- Principle Investigator: Vistide (Cidofovir Intravenous) Treatment IND Protocol for Relapsing Cytomegalovirus Retinitis in Patients with AIDS; Gilead Sciences, Inc., Protocol GS-95-120, August 1995.
- Principle Investigator: Compassionate Use of DaunoXome in Advanced Kaposi’s Sarcoma; NeXstar, Inc., Protocol 103-16, July 1995.
- Principle Investigator: An Open Label International Compassionate Treatment Program for the Use of Saquinavir (Ro 21-8959; Protease Inhibitor) either as Monotherapy or in Combination with Other Antiretroviral Drugs in Patients with Proven HIV Infection; Hoffmann-La Roche, LTD., Protocol Ro21-8959, July 1995.
- Principle Investigator: A Noncomparative, Multisite, Open-Label, 48-Week Study to Monitor the Safety and Tolerability of MK-639 (Indinavir Sulfate) 800 Mg q8h Administered as Monotherapy or in Combination with Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitor Therapy for the Treatment of HIV-1 Infection in Advanced AIDS Patients (Patients with CD4 Counts ≤ 50 cells/cu mm); Merck & Co., Inc., Protocol No. 99, September 1995.
- Principal Investigator: A Multicenter, Randomized, Open-Label Phase II Study of Vesnarinone and Zidovudine in Combination and Alone in HIV-Infected Persons with CD4 Counts ≤ 500 Cellul; Otsuka America Pharmaceutical,Inc., Study #22-95-502, February, 1996.
- Principal Investigator: A Compassionate Use Study Of Two Dose Levels of Thalidomide in Adults With HIV Wasting Syndrome; Celegene Corporation, Protocol W-002, August, 1995.
- Principal Investigator: A Placebo-Controlled Evaluation of the Effect of Chronic Testosterone Replacement Therapy (Testoderm Testosterone Transdermal System) on Body Cell Mass and Body Weight in Hypogonadal Males with AIDS. ALZA Corporation; Protocol C-95-012, July 11, 1995.
- Open-Label Compassionate Use of Nitazoxanide (NTZ) for the Treatment of Cryptosporidiosis in AIDS Patients. Unimed Pharmaceuticals, Inc., June 7, 1996.
- Protocol 1100.859: An Open-Label, Non-Randomized Trial to Evaluate the Tolerability and Safety of Viramune (nevirapine) in Adult and Pediatric Patients With Progressive, Symptomatic HIV Disease. Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals, Inc., March 14, 1996.
- Delavirdine Mesylate Expanded Access Program for HIV-1 Infected Patients. Pharmacia & Upjohn Protocol U-90152S/T, July 22, 1996.
- An Open Label Study of the Use of Azithromycin In Patients With Symptomatic Disseminated Mycobacterium Avium-Intracellulare Complex (MAC) Infection Failing Current Therapy. Pfizer, Inc. Protocol 066-162, June 6, 1994.
- SeronAIDS Investigators Database Study: A Prospective Patient Registry to Study the Management and Treatment of AIDS-Associated Catabolism/Weight Loss. Serono Laboratories, Inc., February 1997.
- The Sustiva (efavirenz) Expanded Access Program. The Dupont Merck Pharmaceutical Company Protocol Number DMP 266-903, August 1, 1997.
- The PREVEON (adeofovir dipivoxil) Expanded Access Program for the treatment of patients with AIDS who have failed other antiretroviral therapy and have limited treatment options. Gilead Sciences, Inc. Protocol Number: GS-97-423, November 21, 1997.
- ABT-378/r (ABT-378/ritonavir) Early Access Program. Abbott Laboratories. Protocol Number M99-046, September 21, 1999.
- Expanded Access Program for Tenofovir Disoproxil Fumarate (Tenofovir DF) in the Treatment of HIV-1 Infected Patients Who have Limited Treatment Options. Gilead Sciences, Inc. Protocol GS-00-955, January 19, 2001.
- A Phase III Open-Label Safety Study of T-20/Ro 29-9800 (HIV-1 Infusion Inhibitor) in Combination with Oral Antiretrovirals in Patients Who Are Unable To Construct a Viable Regimen. F Hoffman-La Roche Inc. Protocol T-20-305/NV16391, August 13, 2001.
- Protocol Number MV 16812: Multicenter, Open-Label, Early Access Program of Fuzeon (Enfuviritide) (T-20/Ro29-9800, HIV-1 Fusion Inhibitor) in Combination with Free Choice Antiretroviral Regime to Assess Serious Adverse Events, Serious AIDS Defining Events, and Tolerability in Patients with Advanced HIV-Infection. Hoffman-La Roche Inc. Protocol T-20/ Ro29-9800, October 2002.
- Atazanavir (BMS-232632) for HIV Infected Individuals: An Early Access Program. Bristol-Meyers Squibb, Protocol AI424900. August 21, 2002.
- HIV Research Network: A Prospective Observational Database Evaluating the Treatment and Cost Utilization Associated with Management of Chronic HIV Infection. Study coordination by Johns Hopkins Medical Center and funding by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 1998.
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